Here is a list of deities, spirits and heroes that I have found from Kainuu folk poetry. Some of these also exist in other regions, some don't. That's not really important here. What is, is that these are unquestionably Cajanian.

About the word haltija

Ever heard of the word kami relating to Japanese mythology? It is often translated as "god", but in reality, it also means all kinds of spirits and smaller deities. The word haltija is much the same. Often translated as god, and certainly some haltijas are gods, but most are more like local spirits or smaller deities. There could also be, for example, a general haltija (god) of water, and then each body of water could have its own haltija (spirit or minor deity).

The List

Annikki  Annikki metän Emäntä, "Annikki, Mistress of the Forest"; Annikki metän miniä, "Annikki, daughter-in-law of the forest". In a spell, asked to heal a wound caused by wood, or keep bears away, or release cows from metsänpeitto (a state in which something/someone gets lost in the forest, unable to get out, even familiar paths become unrecognizable).

Auringotar; Päivätär  "Lady Sun". The creator of fire.

Hiisi  A malicious creature, usually in water. Originally meant a sacred location in nature, a place of worship/sacrifice.

Jumala; Luoja  The Christian God. Finnish paganism and Christianity lived, overlapping with each other, for centuries.

Lempo  A malicious creature. From lempi, "love", but it has become ruined and bad. In some spells, a snake's tongue is made out of her spear.

Neitsyt Maaria emonen  "Virgin Mary little mother". It's the Virgin Mary. Finnish paganism and Christianity lived, overlapping with each other, for centuries.

Metsänneiot  "Forest Maidens". They dance when rocks rumble, animals sing (by howling etc) and the bear wakes up.

Metän ukko, metän akka, metän kultainen kuningas  "The Man of the Forest, the Woman of the Forest, The Golden King of the Forest". In a spell asking for protection for the cattle.

Piru  "Demon", a malicious creature.

Pohjolan neiti  "Miss of Northland". In spells, summoned to help heal a burn wound. Her clothes and skin are freezing, and she pulls an ice cold sled with her even in the middle of summer.

Rauta  "Iron". The 'middle child' of the elements (water, iron and fire).

Ristus; Iesus; Jiesus  The Christ, Jesus. Finnish paganism and Christianity lived, overlapping with each other, for centuries.

Syöjätär  A malicious creature, syöjä=cancer (the illness).

Tapio  King of the Forest. Valid to call a god in my opinion. Described as "black man" (not related to skin colour, more like forests are dark). Appears in spells asking for prey for hunters.

Tuli  "Fire". Tuli nuorin tyttäristä = Fire is the youngest of the daughters. It means fire came to exist last, after other elements (water, iron and fire).

Vesi  "Water". Vesi on vanhin veljeksistä = Water is the oldest of the brothers. It means that water existed first, before other elements (water, iron and fire).

Vetehinen  Watery creature, lives in water, comes from water. Appears in spells.

Väinämöinen  A semi-divine bard. Appears in epic poems (= they tell a story), as well as in various kinds of spells as a powerful helper. "Löyly" (sauna steam) is also called Väinämöinen's breath.203

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